
Academic publications

Tallberg, L., Huopalainen, A., & García-Rosell, J.-C. (2024). Beyond Anthropocentrism: A Call to Action for Multispecies Inclusivity. Business & Society, 0(0).

Turunen S, Paavilainen S, Vepsäläinen J, Hielm-Björkman A. Scent Detection Threshold of Trained Dogs to Eucalyptus Hydrolat. Animals (Basel). 2024 Apr 3;14(7):1083.

Tallberg, L. (forthcoming) ‘Posthumanism’ In: Hunter, C., Kivinen, N., et al. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Critical Management Studies. Edward Elgar.  

Tallberg, L. and Huopalainen, A. (2024) ’We are the Missing People’. Posthuman onto-epistemologies in Organization Studies. In Organization Studies and posthumanism. Towards a More-than-Human World. (Eds. by François-Xavier de Vaujany, Silvia Gherardi, and Polyana Silva). London: Routledge. (pp. 29–52)

Huopalainen, A., and Jammaers, E. (2024). “Making the unimaginable imaginable?” The power of artmaking in understanding animal vulnerabilities and “humanimal” relationality in Organization Studies. Organization, 0(0).

Meller, S., Caraguel, C., Twele, F., Charalambous, M., Schoneberg, C., Chaber, A. L., Desquilbet, L., Grandjean, D., Mardones, F. O., Kreienbrock, L., de la Rocque, S., & Volk, H. A. (2023). Canine olfactory detection of SARS-CoV-2-infected humans-a systematic review. Annals of epidemiology85, 68–85.

Jammaers E & Huopalainen A (2023). “I prefer working with mares, like women, difficult in character but go the extra mile”: A study of multiple inequalities in equine (sports) business. Gender, Work and Organization 30(6): 2049–2068.

Mickelsson, R. & Borgström, N. (2023). “Lärdomar från hästar– tre pedagogiska interventioner för att öka välbefinnande hos elever med särskilda behov”. Psyke & Logos, 2(37-52): Interaktion mellem mennesker og andre dyr.

Mancilla-Tapia, J. M., Lozano-Esparza, V., Orduña, A., Osuna-Chávez, R. F., Robles-Zepeda, R. E., Maldonado-Cabrera, B., Bejar-Cornejo, J. R., Ruiz-León, I., González-Becuar, C. G., Hielm-Björkman, A., Novelo-González, A., & Vidal-Martínez, V. M. (2022). Dogs Detecting COVID-19 From Sweat and Saliva of Positive People: A Field Experience in Mexico. Frontiers in medicine9, 837053.

Meller, S., Al Khatri, M. S. A., Alhammadi, H. K., Álvarez, G., Alvergnat, G., Alves, L. C., Callewaert, C., Caraguel, C. G. B., Carancci, P., Chaber, A. L., Charalambous, M., Desquilbet, L., Ebbers, H., Ebbers, J., Grandjean, D., Guest, C., Guyot, H., Hielm-Björkman, A., Hopkins, A., Kreienbrock, L., … Volk, H. A. (2022). Expert considerations and consensus for using dogs to detect human SARS-CoV-2-infections. Frontiers in medicine9, 1015620.

Kantele, A., Paajanen, J., Turunen, S., Pakkanen, S. H., Patjas, A., Itkonen, L., Heiskanen, E., Lappalainen, M., Desquilbet, L., Vapalahti, O., & Hielm-Björkman, A. (2022). Scent dogs in detection of COVID-19: triple-blinded randomised trial and operational real-life screening in airport setting. BMJ global health7(5), e008024.

Tallberg, L. & Hamilton L. (2022) (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Conference papers and presentations

Huopalainen A, Koivisto A, & Tallberg L (July 6-8, 2023) “Radically ‘Other-oriented’? Rethinking Human-Animal Wellbeing and Ill being at Work – Case Pain Alert Dogs”. 39th EGOS Colloquium in Cagliari, Italy.  

Huopalainen A (November 22, 2023) invited speaker on “De förbisedda och nedtystade – om djurs aktörskapoch människo-djur-relationer i organisationsforskningen” at the “Granskarens kulturseminarium 2023: Oss djur emellan – möten, relationer och smärtpunkter”, Åbo Akademi University, Finland.

Tallberg L (November 14, 2023) keynote speech on “Transcending boundaries through the new field of Animal Organization Studies” at the annual seminar of the Turku Human-Animal Studies Network (TYKE), Turku University, Finland. 

Tallberg L (June 5, 2023) panel speaker on ‘Ethnography and Posthumanism’ at “The Practices of Ethnography in Business and Management Studies” seminar, York University (UK). 

Tallberg L (May 11, 2023) speaker on “Animal Activism in the Business School through Fierce Compassion” at ‘Activism as planning? Rethinking tourism business and economies’, Lapland University (Finland).

Other publications

“Eläinavusteinen toiminta hyvinvoinnin tukena”. Aivoitus 3/2024: Tutkittua aivovammoista. Aivovammaliiton jäsenlehti.

“Kipua ilmaiseva koira kipupotilaan ja terapeutin apuna”. Kipuviesti 1/2023. Suomen kivuntutkimusyhdistys ry:n jäsenlehti (Finnish Association for the Study of Pain newsletter). Available online as a PDF. (Accessed 8 December 2023)