(more…)“Only certain types of dogs, and certain types of doggy behaviour, are deemed acceptable within the organization, and only within narrow confines of space, time and interaction. In this case, dogs are brought into the organization for a specific purpose, and aspects of ‘dogginess’ are valorized, such as apparent friendliness and accepting human touch, whilst other, equally ‘doggy’ behaviours (like barking, jumping, urinating) are unacceptable.”
Dashper, 2019, p. 5
organisational research
What do non-human animals have to do with organisational research? How can animal agency and interests become central issues in future organisational research? In our human-run organisations and societies, animals work for and with us in a variety of roles, even though their economically valuable, medical, and health-related contributions are rarely considered as work.
In PAWWS, organisational researchers, veterinary scientists, and clinical dog experts collaborate to generate new and integrated knowledge about human-animal relationships and the intertwined well-being of humans and working animals in organisations.
Vad har icke-mänskliga djur med organisationsforskningen att göra? Hur kan djurs aktörskap och intressen bli centrala frågor inom en framåtblickande organisationsforskning? I våra människostyrda organisationer och samhällen arbetar djur för och tillsammans med oss i en mängd olika roller, även om denna nationalekonomiskt värdefulla, medicinska och hälsomässiga insats sällan räknas som arbete.
Inom PAWWS arbetar vi organisationsforskare, veterinärmedicinska forskare och kliniska hundexperter tillsammans för att skapa ny och integrerad kunskap om människo-djurrelationer och människors och arbetande djurs sammanvävda välmående i organisationer.